Athens has some of the best riding the world has to offer!
From great paved roads, dirt roads and trails we have a great mixture of it all.
The rides featured here are rides we produce ourselves but also check out Athens GA Bicycling and SORBA Athens for many more!

Specialty Paint and Body Twilight Gambler
You don’t have to be fast… You just can’t fold!
Ready to take a gamble? Up for a 50K or 100K ride through northeast Georgia’s rolling countryside? Then Join hundreds of other cyclists for the Specialty Paint & Body Gambler Bike Ride presented by Georgia Cycle Sport on Saturday, May 7th at 10:15am.
Get one playing card when you start — three more along the way at three checkpoints that also have water, snacks, and other refreshments — and a final card at the end of the ride to complete the hand. Cyclists with the best hands win prizes!
Entry forms can be dropped off at Georgia Cycle Sport at 1029 Baxter Street in Athens or you may register online. Check back for information about prizes and awards location.
Athens to Savannah
A two-day, supported road ride from Athens, GA to Savannah, GA.

Athens GA Bicycling